sanjuan, listado social
  3:25:57 PM

Donald Trump’s America First Energy Plan

Donald Trump’s America First Energy Plan

Donald Trump’s America First Energy Plan
Donald Trump’s America First Energy Plan
Donald Trump’s energy plan: *Make America energy independent. *Conserve our natural habitats, reserves and resources. *Declare American energy dominance a strategic economic and foreign policy goal. *Unleash American untapped shale, oil, and natural gas reserves, plus hundreds of years in clean coal reserves. *Become totally independent of any need to import energy from OPEC or any nations hostile to our interests. *Open onshore and offshore leasing on federal lands, eliminate moratorium on coal leasing, and open shale energy deposits. *Encourage the use of natural gas and other energy resources that will reduce emissions, reduce the price of energy, and increase our economic output. *Rescind all job-destroying Obama executive actions. *Reduce and eliminate all barriers to responsible energy production.

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